Sunday, March 01, 2009

What to do in a Desert Garden in March?

There are tips on what to do in the desert garden this month from the
University of Arizona College of Agriculture Maricopa County Extension
There's also a lot of other helpful information and FAQ's on that website.
Another site of interest on what to do in the garden here in the low
desert is John Chapman's site.

Climate Information for March
in Phoenix, Arizona

    Average: 0.9 inches
    Record: 4.9 inches (1941)
Temperature (degrees F):
    Average High: 75.5 degrees
    Lowest High: 49 degrees (1915)
    Record High: 100 degrees (1988)

    Average Low: 48.8 degrees
    Highest Low: 74 degrees (1986)
    Record Low: 25 degrees (1966)

Note: Rainfall and temperatures vary widely within the valley depending upon elevation and microclimate.

To Do List . . .

    Avoid over watering and mowing when grass is wet to prevent the spread of fungal problems in winter lawns.

    Winter lawns may require once to twice per week watering depending on the weather. DO NOT OVER WATER!


Prepare garden soil for Spring planting.

Plant Seeds

    Beans (lima and snap), beets, carrots, corn, cucumbers, jicama, melons (cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon), okra, green onions, peanuts, pumpkins, radishes, squash and sunflowers.
Plant Transplants
    Artichokes (globe and Jerusalem), eggplant, peppers and tomatoes.


    Continue fertilizing established roses with granular fertilizers once every 6 weeks. Remember to water the day before application and the day after. Apply 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Epsom salts.

Fruit and Nut Trees

    Fertilize deciduous fruit trees with nitrogen when they leaf out.

    Thin deciduous fruit to 6 inch spacing. The earlier this is done after fruit set, the more size response will be expected in fruit remaining on the tree.

    Prune frost sensitive citrus until mid March, after they begin to leaf out with new spring growth. Wait until all chance of frost has past but allow time for re-growth to shade exposed bark, protecting it from sun scald as the days get longer and hotter.

    Plant Citrus Trees - Young two to five year old trees transplant most successfully. Larger, older trees are more costly, harder to transplant without injury (to yourself and the tree), and suffer more from transplant shock. It will generally be three years after transplant before fruit production and that is the same whether you plant a 2 year old tree or a 10 year old tree. Go small!

Landscape Plants

    Water at least once a month unless rains provide adequate moisture.

    Control weeds while they are young, tender, and their roots are manageable, or before they sprout. Be sure to remove before they set seed. Remove London Rocket and other weeds in the mustard family now to prevent large populations of False Chinch bugs in April. pre-emergent herbicides containing Pendimethalin or Isoxaben can be used to control prostrate Spurge and other weeds.

    Prune frost sensitive plants, such as bougainvillea, after they begin to leaf out with new spring growth.

    Apply mulch around the base of plants to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

    If you have previously had a problem, apply around the base of agaves a pesticide labeled for use on grubs to kill the grubs of the Agave Weevil. Repeat application in June.

    Make plans for Arbor Day.


    Plant bee balm (Monarda sp.), black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), celosia (Celosia sp.), cosmos (Cosmos sp.), desert marigold (Baileyea multiradiata), English daisy (Bellis perennis), gilia (Gilia sp.), firewheel/indian blanket (Gaillardia), hollyhock (Alcea sp.), marigold (Tagetes sp.), Mexican hat (Ratibida columnifera), Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia), portulaca (Portulaca sp.), primrose (Primula sp.), safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), sage (Salvia sp.), snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), sunflower (Helianthus sp.), sweet pea (Lathyrus sp.), verbena (Verbena sp.), wild hyssop (Agastache sp.) and zinnia (Zinnia sp.).


    Plant anise, basil, bay, caraway, catnip, chamomile, chives, curry, epazote, fennel, feverfew, French tarragon, garlic chives, germander, horehound, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, lemon grass, lemon verbena, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rue, safflower, sage, salad burnet, santolina, savory (summer and winter), scented geraniums, tansy, thyme and yarrow.

Don't List . . .

    Do not prune citrus except to remove dead or damaged wood and branches obstructing pathways, views, or structures.

    Do not use pre-emergent herbicides in an area in which you intend to plant seeds.

Frequently Asked Questions
Damage is Noticed on the Fruit

    Citrus fruit drop
      The shed of newly set fruit is a natural thinning worsened by hot weather and dry winds. There is no cause for concern.

    Low fruit set on deciduous trees (apples, pears, peaches, apricots pears)

      May be the result of a mild winter with minimal chilling hours. Be sure to plant varieties with less than 400 hours of chilling required for fruit set.

Damage is Noticed on the Leaves

Damage is Noticed on the Stem or TrunkDamage is Noticed on the RootsCultural / Environmental Questions
    Leaves are abnormally yellow but the veins are still green

    Leaf Drop on Carob, African Sumac, Pine and other evergreen trees

      This is a natural seasonal occurrence as the weather warms.

    Citrus leaf drop

    Low fruit set on deciduous trees (apples, pears, peaches, apricots pears)

      May be the result of a mild winter with minimal chilling hours. Be sure to plant varieties with less than 400 hours of chilling required for fruit set.

    Citrus fruit drop

      The shed of newly set fruit is a natural thinning worsened by hot weather and dry winds. There is no cause for concern.

Insect/Pest QuestionsDisease QuestionsThere is a gray or white powdery substance on plants

Seedlings and bedding plants wilt and die suddenly

Saguaro cactus has large black patches that are oozing and smell terrible

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